Το επάγγελμα του μαθηματικού βρίσκεται στην κορυφή της λίστας των καλύτερων επαγγελμάτων του 2014, σύμφωνα με το αμερικανικό δικτύο για την εργασία CareerCast. Την είδηση αναδημοσιεύει με δικαιολογημένη υπερηφάνεια η Αμερικάνικη Μαθηματική Εταιρεία.
Στην πρώτη δεκάδα των καλύτερων επαγγελμάτων βρίσκονται, επίσης, επαγγέλματα που συνδέονται με τις φυσικές επιστήμες, την τεχνολογία και τη μηχανική. Τα κριτήρια με τα οποία αναδεικνύονται, κάθε χρόνο, τα 200 καλύτερα επαγγέλματα συνδέονται με την αξιολόγηση του περιβάλλοντος εργασίας, τις απολαβές, την προοπτική εξέλιξης και το βαθμό άγχους κάθε εργασίας.
«Είμαστε όλοι υπερήφανοι για τη δουλειά που κάνουν οι μαθηματικοί κάθε μέρα και αναγνωρίζουμε τη μεγάλη σημασία του επαγγέλματός τους», δηλώνει ο Michael Pearson, διοικητικό στέλεχος της Αμερικάνικης Μαθηματικής Εταιρίας. Και προσθέτει: «Εδώ και αρκετό καιρό είναι γνωστό ότι ένα ισχυρό υπόβαθρο στα μαθηματικά, ειδικά όταν συνδυάζεται με ειδικές δεξιότητες υπολογισμού και ανάλυσης δεδομένων, υπόσχεται μια σπουδαία σταδιοδρομία σε διαφορετικούς τομείς».
Το επάγγελμα του μαθηματικού έφτασε στην κορυφή της λίστας ανεβαίνοντας 13 θέσεις από πέρυσι, άλμα που οφείλεται σε στοιχεία που αφορούν το εργασιακό περιβάλλον, την υψηλή προοπτική εξέλιξης και τη χαμηλό βαθμό άγχους του επαγγέλματος. Οι υψηλές αμοιβές είναι ένα ακόμα στοιχείο που ισχυροποίησε την άνοδο των μαθηματικών στην κορυφή, αφού στην Αμερική, σύμφωνα με το CareerCast, ο μέσος όρος του ετήσιου εισοδήματός τους φτάνει τα 101.360 δολάρια.
Applies mathematical theories and formulas to teach or solve problems in a business, educational, or industrial climate.
- Overall Score: 63.00
- Income: $101,360.00
- Work Environment:2.000
- Stress:24.000
- Hiring Outlook:19
Instructs students in a wide variety of academic and vocational subjects beyond the high school level. They also conduct research and publish scholarly papers and books.
- Overall Score: 73.00
- Income: $68,970.00
- Work Environment:1.000
- Stress:4.000
- Hiring Outlook:47
Tabulates, analyzes, and interprets the numeric results of experiments and surveys.
- Overall Score: 96.00
- Income: $75,560.00
- Work Environment:8.000
- Stress:54.000
- Hiring Outlook:12
Interprets statistics to determine probabilities of accidents, sickness, and death, and loss of property from theft and natural disasters.
- Overall Score: 103.00
- Income: $93,680.00
- Work Environment:10.000
- Stress:54.000
- Hiring Outlook:8
Diagnoses and treats hearing problems by attempting to discover the range, nature, and degree of hearing function.
- Overall Score: 110.00
- Income: $69,720.00
- Work Environment:31.000
- Stress:1.000
- Hiring Outlook:8
Cleans teeth, examines patients for oral diseases such as gingivitis, and provides other preventative dental care. A dental hygienist also educates patients on ways to improve and maintain good oral health.
- Overall Score: 112.00
- Income: $70,210.00
- Work Environment:51.000
- Stress:11.000
- Hiring Outlook:6
Researches, designs, develops and maintains software systems along with hardware development for medical, scientific, and industrial purposes.
- Overall Score: 125.00
- Income: $93,350.00
- Work Environment:56.000
- Stress:18.000
- Hiring Outlook:24
Develops computer systems for businesses and scientific institutions.
- Overall Score: 126.00
- Income: $79,680.00
- Work Environment:13.000
- Stress:58.000
- Hiring Outlook:18
Develops individualized programs of activity for mentally, physically, developmentally and emotionally impaired persons, to aid them in achieving self-reliance.
- Overall Score: 129.00
- Income: $75,400.00
- Work Environment:45.000
- Stress:28.000
- Hiring Outlook:11
Assesses hearing, speech, and language disabilities and provides treatment. Assists individuals with communication disorders through diagnostic techniques.
- Overall Score: 138.00
- Income: $69,870.00
- Work Environment:36.000
- Stress:17.000
- Hiring Outlook:32
Assesses patients' dietary needs, plans menus, and instructs patients and their families about proper nutritional care.
- Overall Score: 149.00
- Income: $55,240.00
- Work Environment:17.000
- Stress:7.000
- Hiring Outlook:30
Anazlyes and design solutions to problems in biology and medicine, with the goal of improving the quality and effectiveness of patient care.
- Overall Score: 159.00
- Income: $86,960.00
- Work Environment:53.000
- Stress:61.000
- Hiring Outlook:13
Plans, directs, and/or coordinates all human resource activities and staff of an organization.
- Overall Score: 172.00
- Income: $99,720.00
- Work Environment:31.000
- Stress:44.000
- Hiring Outlook:78
Diagnoses visual disorders and prescribes and administers corrective and rehabilitative treatments.
- Overall Score: 173.00
- Income: $97,820.00
- Work Environment:69.000
- Stress:70.000
- Hiring Outlook:14
Plans and directs treatment to improve mobility and alleviate pain in persons disabled by injury or disease.
- Overall Score: 178.00
- Income: $79,860.00
- Work Environment:7.000
- Stress:20.000
- Hiring Outlook:102
Related to careers in portfolio management, the financial planner offers a broad range of services aimed at assisting individuals in managing and planning their financial future.
- Overall Score: 183.00
- Income: $67,520.00
- Work Environment:105.000
- Stress:35.000
- Hiring Outlook:5
Conducts routine laboratory tests and analysis used in the detection, diagnosis, and treatment of disease.
- Overall Score: 187.00
- Income: $47,820.00
- Work Environment:74.000
- Stress:5.000
- Hiring Outlook:25
Studies and analyzes the effects of resources such as land, labor, and raw materials, on costs and their relation to industry and government
- Overall Score: 188.00
- Income: $91,860.00
- Work Environment:36.000
- Stress:65.000
- Hiring Outlook:63
Responsible for the day-to-day operation of these networks.
- Overall Score: 199.00
- Income: $72,560.00
- Work Environment:50.000
- Stress:81.000
- Hiring Outlook:10
Plans drilling locations and effective production methods for optimal access to oil and natural gas.
- Overall Score: 202.00
- Income: $130,280.00
- Work Environment:94.000
- Stress:86.000
- Hiring Outlook:14
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